
Workshop on "The development of XP in the Arab World" on 5 and 6 April 2016 in Tunis.
As part of the action plan of the Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) for the promotion of the Internet in accordance with international best practices, ATI, in partnership with the International Telecommunication Union, a workshop on the theme: "the development of IXPs in the Arab world" on 5 and 6 April 2016 at the Ramada Plaza - Gammarth, Tunisia.

Tunisia to host the Middle East DNS Forum on 4-5 may 2016.
The third edition of the Middle East DNS Forum will take place on 4-5 May 2016 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel Tunis in Tunis, Tunisia. Participants from ICANN, ISOC, Registries, Registrars, Registrants, ccTLDs, New gTLD Applicants, service providers, brand owners, legal firms, and anyone interested in the DNS industry are expected to attend the event in an aim to
- build bridges between different parties in the region and world's experts in the field.
- share experiences and best practices.
- inform the audience of what is taking place in the domain name industry at a global level, and of emerging business opportunities

Welcome to the .tn world.
Aware of the technical and economic importance of ICT and digital economy technologies, ATI has introduced new services by emphasizing on the benefits of its achievements, with a multi-stakeholders approach, and according to best international practices of transparency and neutrality, in order to represent a sustainable economic model through the development of existing and new services, but also through multiple partnerships for pilot projects.